Saturday, August 9, 2008


This week/weekend has been rough. I honestly feel like checking myself into the hospital. I feel dead. If I had insurance, I'd probably already be there. My heart randomly feels like it's gonna beat out of my chest, and I feel it beating in other places. At least it's a strong heart beat. I constantly feel like I'm gonna pass out at the drop of a hat. I feel nauseated all of the time. Ugh. Stress, you have won the battle. It's beddy bye time for me. Lord willing I can sleep.
/random and pointlessness


Ariyana said...

Sorry you're not feeling good. At least a strong heartbeat means that your blood pressure hasn't dropped so you're probably not suffering from any sort of infection in your blood that's making you feel that sick. Get to feeling better!

Savvy said...

Hope you feel better!

Ariyana said...

Girl, you still alive on this site?